beberapa waktu lalu saya sudah pernah share tentang Artisteer 3 Standard Edition - Full Keygen dan pada kesempatan kali ini saya akan share tentang software yang fungsinya juga hampir sama, yaitu Antenna Web Design Studio v3.4 Build 447, Antena adalah software yang bisa membantu sobat untuk mendesign dan mempercantik penampilan website atau blog sobat tanpa harus mempunyai kemampuan di bidang coding, hem.. tentu software ini akan sangat bermanfaat bagi sobat blogger dalam mendisain website atau blog sobat... baiklah kalo begitu qita langsung saja ke TKP deh... chek it out...
berikut screenshootnya:
berikut screenshootnya:
Key Features:
Visual editor for Rapid Site Development
- Drag and drop WYSIWYG - Pixel Accurate. Position items exactly where you want them to be. Customisable 'snap-to-grid' facility for easy object alignment.
- Make professional web galleries of your digital photos with the Photo Gallery creator. Create high-quality button graphics and gradients with Antenna's integrated Button and Gradient Lab utilities - all built in, no extra software required.
- You can build your web pages in layers, place related items on the same layer, add new layers, overlap items and change layer opacity for translucent effects.
- Include any page as a layer on any other page. A real time saver when you need the same items to appear on many pages - and any changes are reflected instantly across all other pages!
- Perfect your look, and make sweeping visual changes across the whole site quickly and simply.
Shadows, motion blur, neon, water - all done visually, no HTML coding required.
Add Audio and Video to your web pages
- Supports AVI, MPEG, QuickTime and Flash.
- No need for complex modal dialog boxes - modify items using a floating palette and see the results instantly. Very quick - once you know how to customise one type of object, you know how to customise them all.
- A website is saved as a single file on disk - very easy to manage. Organise your web and move files around at any time without having to worry about broken links - Antenna keeps links updated automatically.
- No need for additional publishing software. Antenna's built in publisher includes a 'Publish Changes Only' option for rapid site updates.
- All text and image objects support the facility to change their content based on language - so you can easily create and maintain multilingual sites from a single design.
- Advanced users can add custom HTML code and Javascript, and even create completely new object types using Antenna's HTML plugin system.
dan untuk cara penggunaan key gen, sobat hannya perlu mengisikan nama sobat, kemudian klik tombol gimmi!, dan copas tulisan yang ada di reginfo, untuk lebih jelasnya perhatikan screenshoot berikut ini:
baiklah, mungkin sudah ckp enjelasannya, bagi sobat blogger yang berminat silahkan download saja di link berikut...
Download Antenna Web Design Studio v3.4 Build 447
Alternatif Download Web Design Via Maknyos
Download keyGen
Pasword rar:
Semoga Bermanfaat...
mantap sob,,,,,!!!
BalasHapusbnr bgt sob...:-)
BalasHapusMantap Gan :D..ijin sedot yah^^
BalasHapusPERMISI sob..
BalasHapusini saya sin..
saya bingung sob pakai softwarenya boleh dikasih video tutorialnya sob ????
Makn maju aja sob blognya..
jangan menyerah sob.. keberhasilan ada di depan mata...
saya sndr blom bsa mkeknya sob, akan saya ushkn nyari video tutorialnya... mdh2n ja dpt...
BalasHapusudah di hapus file nya...bro
BalasHapusini dia buat cocok buat yg ga mudeng ma kode HTML..ijin sedot sob
BalasHapusMantap Gan.
BalasHapusthanks ya.....!
thanks gan, ijin sedot langsung ke TKP..... MANGTAAAAABBBB.......