dulu saysudah pernah share tentang Iobit Game Booster 2.0 Premium Full With Serial, dan sekarang Iobit Game booster hadir kembali dengan versi terbarunya yaitu Iobit Game booster v2.2 premium, seperti yang kita ketahui, Iobit Game booster v2.2 premium ini adalah sebuah software yang akan meningkatkan performa PC sobat disaat sobat bermain Game,dan penggunaannya pun sangat mudah sekali, karena sobat blogger tidak perlu mensetting apa2, sobat hanya membutuhkan satu klik untuk menggunakan software ini, baiklah sob, kita langsung ke TKP saja deh... cikidot...berikut screenshootnya:
Key Benefits:
• 1 Click. Game Booster is extremely easy to use. Its intuitive interface makes Game Booster the perfect tool for complete computer beginner.
• Speeds up Game Play. Game Booster gives more CPU and RAM to your games, making your games running at the peak performance.
• Defragments Game Files. Game Booster can quickly defragment game directories and files, to make your games load and run faster than ever.
• Increases Gaming Stability. Game Booster prevents and avoids possible conflicts and incompatibility, by temporarily closing background processes and unnecessary Windows services.
• Safe, Secure, and Free. Game Booster does not overclock your hardware, does not change your Windows Registry and system settings. Game Booster is 1
• 1 Click. Game Booster is extremely easy to use. Its intuitive interface makes Game Booster the perfect tool for complete computer beginner.
• Speeds up Game Play. Game Booster gives more CPU and RAM to your games, making your games running at the peak performance.
• Defragments Game Files. Game Booster can quickly defragment game directories and files, to make your games load and run faster than ever.
• Increases Gaming Stability. Game Booster prevents and avoids possible conflicts and incompatibility, by temporarily closing background processes and unnecessary Windows services.
• Safe, Secure, and Free. Game Booster does not overclock your hardware, does not change your Windows Registry and system settings. Game Booster is 1
untuk penggunaan patchnya ikuti langkah2 berikut ini:
1. instal Iobit Game booster, pada saat proses terakhir penginstalan hilangkan centang pada Download Recomended software dan Launch Game Booster.
2. copy and past file patch ke direktory instalan sobat...
3. jalankan patch dan klik crack, tunggu sampai proses selesai kmdian exit..
4. buka Iobit Game Booster dan klik Premium di bagian pojok kiri bawah, dan selamat, sobat sudah bisa menikmati Iobit Game Booster Premium..gmna sob, cukup jelas dan mudahkan cara patchnya, baiklah kalo begitu, bagi sobat blogger yang ingin mencicipinya silahkan di download saja deh...
di bagian pojok kiri cuma ada tulisan register sob,bukan premiun,jadi gmn ya?
BalasHapusmana tulisan premiumnya bro...koq mlh dminta masukkan+aktifkan license code