Rabu, 23 Februari 2011

jv16 PowerTools 2011 Installer And Portable Version Full License Key

jv16 PowerTools 2011 merupakan sebuah tool utilitas optimasi Windows dari Macecraft Software, Utilitys ini berfungsi untuk  melakukan tune-up, membersihkan Windows registry, menghapus file yang tidak diperlukan, memulihkan file yang telah dihapus, dan melakukan berbagai  pemeliharaan sistem dan manajemen untuk meningkatkan kinerja PC sobat. jv16 PowerTools 2011 hadir dengan berbagai Tool tambahan seperti Tag System, User Action History feature, Improved Clean and Fix My Computer, Improved Registry Cleaner feature, Improved Startup Manager, Rewritten Software Uninstaller, Dll. baiklah kalau begitu, langsung kita lihat saja di TKP yah... cikidot...

berikut screenshootnya:

Key Features
  • Cleans and fixes your computer
  • Uninstalls software and gets rid of all the left-overs
  • Optimizes Windows
  • Improves your safety by detecting potentially dangerous files
  • Improves your privacy
  • Recovers deleted files
  • Safe to use - automatic backup feature and numerous additional safety features
  • Multilingual user interface

What's new
  • Tag System allows you to place tags to individual lines of most of the tools. This feature is very useful for adding comments about specific items. It's also possible to add a special Important tag. If you attempt to remove an item with the tag, PowerTools will show you an extra confirmation dialog before the item is removed. This can be used to add an extra layer of protection for important data.
  • User Action History feature allows you to see exactly what you have removed with the program and locate the backup relating to the item. For example, you can see a list of files deleted on a specific date using PowerTools, or the list of registry errors fixed.
  • Improved Clean and Fix My Computer feature will also scan for broken shortcuts and for unneeded empty folders from the Start Menu and Desktop.
  • Improved Registry Cleaner feature will show more detailed information on why a specific piece of registry data was listed as error.
  • Improved Settings window now uses scroll bars in order to display all the settings with smaller window sizes.
  • Improved Startup Manager is now fully compatible with msconfig. This means that you can use jv16 PowerTools to enable items disabled with msconfig, and vice versa.
  • Remove on reboot feature in the File Tool allows you to delete protected or locked files during the next system startup.
  • Rewritten Software Uninstaller. Both its ability to find software from the computer, and its ability to uninstall software have been greatly improved.
untuk cara penggunaan license key sebagai berikut:
1. disconect internet sobat
2. ekstrak semua file yang ada di winrar
3. instal software seperti biasa.
4. setelah selesai proses instalisasi, jalankan program,
5. klik menu "help"
6. pilih License Tool

7. klik "install new license"
8. cari dimana sobat menyimpan file "license.xbin", dan pilih.
9. setelah selesai memasukkan lisence, tutup program dan restart.
10. selesai

 Baiklah, bagi sobat yang menginginkan software utilitys ini langsung saja di download di link berikut ini...

Download jv16 PowerTools 2011 Installer Incl. License

Download jv16 PowerTools 2011 Portable

Pasword :www.qiqyshare.com

Semoga Bermanfaat....

5 komentar:

  1. mas bagus mana sama CCleaner?????

  2. kalo menurut saya pribadi lbh bgs ne sob.. fturnya juga lebih lengkap...

  3. mas, ama tune up utilies 2011, bagus mana???
    tlg pencerahannya

  4. link sudah tak bisa dibuka bro...


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